Sunday, July 24, 2011

Stop worrying and start living!

Worry is the prayer to attract what we don't want. When we were born and was a child we weren't worrying about anything. We simply knew and loved to smile, sometimes we might have cried, it was not because of worry but to sell our need for milk or food.

But as we grown up, we started leaning the lessons of being worried. If you look back to your life you must be realizing whenever you were tensed and worried about something that must have become even worst. On the other hand when you were detached from the worrisome situations and you were simply enjoying other things, then suddenly and miraculously things became very positive and worth. That means being worried never deliver anything good to us, then why should we waste our precious time spending so. Life is easy and simple, that is how we should live life. When we feel love towards even to our challenges that will create a huge positive shift in our results.

Past is over, the people or things from the past cannot haunt you unless you allow it consciously. Same for the future, don't give too much importance to the future outcomes. Only you have control in the now, only you can make choices in the now neither in past nor in future. So be in the now, stop worrying and enjoy every bit of this miraculous life we have.

If you still feel that I can't manage that person or I can't stop worrying about this particular situation and so on, simple solution for this is, write it down or share your grief to someone you love. It will shift your consciousness and make you feel better, When you share do remember you are releasing your worries not adding to it, make the writing/sharing crisp and let go.

Go great!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What do you feel, when someone calls you stupid?

Many of us might have been discouraged by our parents, teachers or our peers whenever we follow our heart desires. They may say, you can't do it, you are not gonna make it, you are of no use, you don't have nothing inside your brain and such negative lines. But the fact is that we have far more capabilities than we have ever imagined to be. These so called well-wishers do advice on almost everything under the sky.
Those negative feedback on us must not be true, lets take a second and have some serious analysis on our own body system, we would realize that, we are unlimited beings and can achieve whatever we can think about.

This writing is to re-affirm ourselves that we are the most wonderful creations in the world. And to realize the following facts.

  1. You might be aware about this interesting scientific fact, that there is around 15 to 30 billion neurons in our brain which has greater processing capacity than the most advanced super computers available.

  2. As per the research on quantum physics, it is proven that through our thoughts and perceptions we can even create our own world around us. 
  3. Spiritually speaking we are born and are walking upon this planet as complete and perfect spirit. Yes, our body and mind do different things but ultimately our spirit is pure like a white glowing light always and every-time.

  4. When you are reading this, about 2.4 million red blood cells are being formed in your body at each second.
There is lot more such exciting truths and facts which could prove that we are the most wonderful creations in this world. To understand that we need to really invest our time to learn more about ourselves.

Even then these is the case that, we all are prefect and great. You may be thinking that, why still many of us struggle and at the same time many of us enjoy success! Why many of us live and die as poor! At the same time many of us enjoy abundance for generations!

Many of you say it is because of the inherent qualities or by nature, they have become what they are. Some others may say its because of the circumstances and environment or by nurture, they have become what they are. But the reality is neither the nurture or the nature, in fact it was their conscious choice to live a life of legends that made them what they are.

Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein all of them are great. But they were not called as great child when they were born. But it was their choice to become extra-ordinary in their profession, and personal life. They did strive for it. They realized the fact that thoughts can become things and they believed that whatever man can conceive that we can achieve in life. It is possible for each one of us too.

Now the question is, how is it possible for us?

Its possible when we understand the power of CHOICE. We always have a choice to do exceptional performance even at the toughest times. Its our choice to do whatever we wish to do. Its our choice to live for the sake of living or to do something extra.

As the quote says "Average people are dedicated to leisure. The best people are devoted to learning". So lets make a choice to dedicate ourselves to learn about ourselves. Now that when someone calls you stupid! Or tell you are of no good, what would you say? Don't fight them but pray for them, to realize the wonderful facts about our creation and the true potential within.

Lets rise into a greater level of existence whenever such negative critics try to pull us down. Lets move ahead!