By Jerin Jacob
You must have heard or have experienced of
a taxi cab waiting for you or a bus or a friend waiting for you. Have you ever
had an experience of a train waiting for you? I do!
The story goes this way…
Other day on a weekend, I was getting ready to travel to my home town and I preferred traveling on ‘the hero’ of this shot story – a train. May be because of the weekend, I woke up little late and had to rush to catch up an early morning train. To reach the railway station, I had to catch up a bus but I missed the first bus even-though I had a close encounter with it – (In my country public-transportation is more common by the way).
bus driver had seen me and waited for me for a while, I would have got
the bus and would have got another topic to write “A bus waited for me!” and I
wonder that wouldn’t be that interesting to write about. { This part of the Life-journey is called keep enjoying even if you lose something in between! }
After waiting a
“very long” couple of minutes, I got the second bus and reached at some where
close to the railway station. I could only land around #200 meters away from
the railway station as there were no direct bus routes. I can see far away the
train had arrived and would departure very soon.
had two choices - I could run or could hire an Autorikshaw – (In my country
this beautiful vehicle is also very common) to reach there as fast as possible.
If I ran, I would definitely end up missing the train and losing
some calories so running was a bad choice.
I found one Autorikshaw coming from the opposite direction where I wanted to
go. But the driver understood the situation and applied the break
immediately and skidded the vehicle as if he was being filmed for a Hollywood
movie. He screamed “Come on in, we will catch the train sir…”. { This part of the Life-journey is called not losing hope and taking inspired action }
When the
driver stopped near a short cut to the railway station. I handed him
the traveling wage and jumped off the Autorikshaw and ran towards the railway
track. “Don’t get me wrong, I was not heading to a suicide attempt neither was
expecting of my lover’s hand to hold me from the train just like
some Bollywood films”.
I ran close to the train, its engine had started and got moving little faster.
People who were walking aside the road to the railway track, were watching me.
They screamed for me to jump in and get into the train - (Hey, I am not over
dramatizing it). People did encourage me so, at the same time one person from
the other side of the railway track kept saying. “Don’t do it, don’t do it, you
will not make it”. Even-though I avoided his discouragement my logic
said I can’t make it as I had big baggage too with me.
Finally I quit trying. { This part of the Life-journey
is called losing opportunity by thinking about security and comfort }
the disappointing attempt, I gave a thanking smile to the Autorikshaw
driver and the people who encouraged me. I looked down for no reason but kept
smiling as I walked to the railway station. The train went on moving aside me. { This part of the Life-journey is called Keep feeling good & trust in the divine power! }
When I
took two or three steps - to my surprise, the train rather than getting up
the speed, it is slowing down and was almost stopped. My fans (hope I could
call them so) started screaming again “Dude! Get in now at-least!”.
I was jumping in to one of the train compartment, I could see a man far from
the Engine room was making sure I am safely in. Then the train slowly regained
its speed. (May be the train driver had seen me “trying to get in” since I was
running towards the train from the engine side earlier).
I delightfully got in, I saw a glimpse of the people who supported me – they
had a smile of relief. But I forgot to look for that single person who
discouraged me – I guessed, his eyes must have become bull’s eye because of
disbelief as I got into the train very effortlessly which he might have thought
impossible. {
This part of the Life-journey is called believing in the destination and keep moving
forward without bothering about discouragement or encouragement }
(I appreciate, sharing your thoughts on this short story @