Sunday, October 19, 2014

Why do you exist?

By Jerin Jacob
(Author of
Your Epic Year)

Have you got big dreams.. ah? and do you love films? In that case 'It's a Wonderful Life' is a film you shouldn't miss watching. It was directed by Frank Capra and it was released on 1946. Yes, it's a Black & White movie yet it can teach you powerful lessons about life and your existence. The story-line is about a person named George Bailey who had big dreams. It starts off by show casing who George Bailey was and his dream to travel around the world. He was passionate to construct great monuments across the world. But like many of us he had to give priority to his family and had to postpone all those dreams and passions to 'someday'. At one point of time, when he was about to chase his dreams. His father passed away suddenly and he had to took over his father's social enterprise which he then passionately ran and changed many lives in his town. In between he had fallen in love with his childhood friend and got married. With the support of his wife he helped poor to live a dignitary life. He lent money for the poor so that they too can afford to stand in their own feet. He built houses for the poor on a very affordable rates. Yet he never made big money. He was struggling financially and was not happy inside as he wasn't following his dreams. One day because of one of his employee's carelessness he was on a verge to face legal obligations and bankruptcy. His frustrations became at it's peak. He decided to throw away the greatest gift God had given him – Life.

Here is the twist, before he was to kill himself, an Angel appeared and introduced himself that he was his guardian Angel. George thought the Angel was some nuts. During his conversation the Angel had given him a boon that “he was never born”. George Bailey laughed at it. But after a series of circumstances he realized. He was in a new world where he was never existed. That means his friends couldn't recognize him, even his mother couldn't. The worst thing is that the people and the city were completely different. His friends had become rude. His family had no food on the table and was struggling miserably. The poor in his city was more poorer. His brother Harry died at the age of #9 itself because George hadn't been there to save him while Harry was drowning at the age of #9. Hope you got the picture right.

Later George Bailey realized that his life was wonderful and he had lived a life which touched many lives. He prayed to get back his life and the Angel did gave back his existence. Then he went back to home, there, to his surprise, all his friends, all the ones he had helped, almost everyone in the town had gathered to fight for his financial struggle. Everyone in the town put in their contribution and helped George Bailey to get rid of that bankruptcy and in turn the legalities. And finally one of his friend toasted his drink and said “to the richest man in the town” (In deed a richest man with his deeds and heart).

Key Take Away:

  1. Every life is important. Every person touches others life in big or small ways. In case you can visualize that you were never born, how would your family be? How would your friends be? How would our society or your town or your village be?

    In case you see that your in-existence won't make any significant difference, don't you think it is the time to live a life which touches the people around you?

  2. Whether it's a business/profession, do it to uplift the people around you. When you leave this world, the only thing that count is not what you have received but what you have given away.

  3. It doesn't matter how many of your Dreams are fulfilled. But what matters is how you act on the opportunities God has given you. Act on them and believe God has a greater plan, you will always be blessed.

And finally, I want to tell you, it's a wonderful life because you are in it. If you weren't born, I would have lost an ever awesome person who reads and shares my posts. You are amazing! Thank you!

P.S. Do you want to make this year epic? 
Have a look at this, very helpful read:

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Short Story: Children of The Universe

By Jerin Jacob (Author of Your Epic Year)

His name was Tommy he was short-tempered but a very curious boy - who loves to ask even #1000s of stupid yet sometimes thought provoking questions. He had a friend named Janet. Even though both had the same interests, Janet was more matured and was very thoughtful. 

One day, as always, they suddenly planned and set out for a bicycle ride to the beautiful valley near to their place. They rode enjoying the beautiful nature of their village. The village was known as Gratylo, by the way history of this mysterious name was unknown.

The road they travelled was't that wide and smooth. But the beauty on its two sides were spectacular. On one side of the road was lush green plants spreading down to the horizon, on the other side of the road was an almost balded green hill.

It took an hour of cycling to reach them to the destination. But they never felt the time and was riding in a meditative mood as the nature around Gratylo was so enticing.

Tommy and Janet usually travel to such beautiful places, and their visit mostly end up with questions and answers on life and universe around them. Here in this Gratylo valley, we can surely expect such discussions from this kids, as this valley is so tempting to be philosophical and to be amused about the nature.

Tommy started: “Look Janet, how awesome is this valley, still what is the point of its existence?”.

Janet said: “To bring peace into our minds and souls”.

Tommy: “ha ha... that's funny, so you are saying God has put all this effort to create this beautiful valley just to make humans like us to be at peace?, it would have been easy for him to give 'peace' as an in-built feature to mankind rather than creating this detailed yet stunning valley”.

Janet: “See Tommy, this beautiful scenery indeed was meant to make us feel joyous and peaceful but God hasn't created it”.

Tommy: “Then whom?”.

Janet: “Whatever we see and experience is nothing but our perceptions. How we interpret what we see, is important. In case someone thinks it’s created by God, so be it, in case someone thinks it’s an illusion, so be it”.

Tommy: (with sarcastic smile) “Really? ... that doesn't make any sense to me, let’s leave the topic”.

Janet didn't reply, Then the obvious happened. Silence. Janet seems to enjoy it.

But Tommy wasn't, so he had to interrupt her: “You are sometimes so boring!”.

Janet: (with a smile) “Let me jump into the valley to make you feel better, hah?”.

Tommy: “Is that a joke?”.

The time went on, they enjoyed the awesomely crafted sunset in Gratylo. As the sun descended, they rode back to their homes feeling rejuvenated. As always with lots of unanswered questions and some memorable fights between them.

After jotting down the experiences she had had in the journey, on her dairy, Janet jumped on to her bed. Before she slips into her dream she thought: "God! Am I the God, so as Tommy!" 


Hope this short-story has been thought provoking. By the way do you know someone who really needs to read this? If so, go ahead and share this article with that person. Sharing is caring.

P.S. Have you read Aesop's stories - the most popular stories which makes us think and learn. Now, one such famous Aesop's story has been re-written and beautifully illustrated - THE TIGER's RETURN. Do read it yourself and then gift it your child, it's worth it.