Saturday, December 31, 2011

Resolutions FAIL every year! but not in 2015!

By Jerin Jacob 

I know, many of you must have written down one of the most daring and amazing resolutions in the world for the coming year. But sadly a little voice from your heart says “Buddy, you are NOT gonna keep it”.

You may try to really avoid that little voice but ultimately after one or two days you have to agree with that little voice, and you may say “Yes, buddy, you are right! I am such a lazy lad, I failed to keep up this year’s resolution also, but I am sure next year I will do it, let’s wait  :) ”. It happens with most of us.

You might have put up resolutions like “Quit smoking and start singing”, “Climb Mount Everest”, “Go to gymnasium everyday”, “Learn dancing and screaming”, “Start a diet and reduce #20 Kg of weight” “Propose her, atleast say ‘I love you’ ” and even small resolutions like “Cleaning teeth and smiling big” :)

From the most exciting one to the very simple and easiest resolutions fail with most of the persons every year!

Here I come. My intention is to sort out the “why” behind your frustrations on resolutions and to really help you to find a solution which works with the precision of the “rocket science” but you can learn as simple as a Kinder Garden subject :)

Why the resolutions fail: the big question?

#1st Reason: People just put up resolutions, which they might have read from a magazine or any “other” blogs. Their hearts simply won’t resonate with those resolutions, but still they do "try" to pursue them. Whatever you do, if you have not surrendered to your heart, you will fail for sure.

My point is one of the reasons behind the resolutions fail is; the person taking the resolution does not really feel like doing it. They do it for the sake of doing. You know that, whatever you do half-minded becomes a failure.

#2nd Reason: Another reason many of your good resolutions fail is because you might not know, “how to” execute those resolutions or in other words you might not know “how to” live those resolutions.

You might simply "try" something, just like last year; but it just end up in failure. I am NOT talking about planning, rather the “how to”s or the steps towards your resolutions. To make this point more clear, I am explaining it in the solution section below.

#3rd Reason: Very importantly, you should understand the working of the sub-conscious brain. You may say “I know, how my sub-conscious brain works, it is the most vital part with respect to my brain’s functionality. It is the basis of all my actions and behaviors”.

Yes, that is right! let me make it simple. Your sub-conscious brain is like a captain in a ship. Let’s say the passengers (just like you) in the ship have taken exciting resolutions to travel to their dream destinations. But you know that the ship will ultimately move to the place the  captain  of the ship - sub conscious brain - wanted to go.

That is, you need to consider your sub-conscious brain also, when we take resolutions, "what? are you making it too complex?", No! not at all, you can easily be a friend of your sub-conscious brain and understand its working easily, continue reading!
The Solution:

I know many of you have written or thinking of writing resolutions for the brand new year, but I can smell around that, even you are not sure how many of them can be fulfilled. I can help you to really follow all of your New Year resolutions as never before.

#1: Have you heard about “baby steps”? “No, it’s not about the steps a baby takes” rather it’s a strategy which anyone can easily use to accomplish your goals, in this case your resolutions. 

The concept goes this way, it is simple, it is practising a very small step towards your resolution every single day. That is, If your resolution is to reduce #20 Kg weight, then you can assume that you need to exercise for #1 Hr daily. As per the concept, you have to take a decision to exercise ONLY #10 mins every day other than #1 Hr.

Why? when you do so, you feel like “something has to be done” every day. That feeling makes you wake-up every day, you will continue doing it throughout the year. It works!

“No Jerin, I am ready to go for full #1 hr daily exercise”. Okay, I am sure, you won’t make it beyond a week. In case you are an exception and if your are that determined and disciplined then you would probably will keep up all your resolutions, without reading this :)

#2: Next thing, as I mentioned already about the sub-conscious captain and its impact on your resolutions. So your next task is to make the sub-conscious your friend. How? 

Simple, attach pictures corresponding to your New Year resolutions, why? Because pictures help to rescript your sub-conscious brain according to your needs. When laziness chips in, you will see those images in your mind, that will make you jump start again. By the way its your responsibility to make those pictures so compelling :)

Now that, these are #2 simple solutions for you, act accordingly!

What? ... You don’t have a resolution :( 

Okay, you must be one of such, who believes, life cannot be planned? Face life as it comes? ah?

Interestingly you plan very well for exams, job interviews, when you build a home and even for a vacation. But why do you hesitate to do the same for this divine gift - called life. 

I have one thing to say: “Life has no second chance as it for exams and job interviews”, so live life as you always wanted by resolving your challenges and reach one step closer to your bigger dream! 

My dear friend, go and write down you resolutions for the New Year. I am sure, this time you will accomplish them all, it is not just for you but for the world around you!

Wishing you all a very awesome New Year ahead!

(This New Year, visit us @, you will love it!)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Its your choice!

It is the choices that separates the greatest and the mediocrity not the circumstances. If you asked Steve Jobs, how did you achieve these much success in your life? He would definitely share that it was because of the choices he took in his life was made all the differences. If you ask Ghandhiji, Warren Buffet, Mohammed Ali or anyone who was and is a massive success, they will agree on the importance of making better choices in life.

Yes, I am sure you might have got my point already. So then what are you waiting for, be a “choice-maker-machine”, and always make postive and good choices in your life. Eventually you will also be count among the greatest!

“Oh really! If it was that easy then why eveyone is not doing so?”, I can smell this may be the question in your head right now. The thing is, it is simple but not easy to take right decsions in your life. Then how can you take right choices?

Taking right choices may be tough in most of the times. But you can make it right! through constant practise. Finally, in case you have made a choice, then how can you make sure your choice is right! That is another important thing. For that you can’t assess your choices using any formula neither with any machinery. But you can make sure it will go right all the time. How?

You have to dedicate yourself to re-program your brain for success. You might be aware about the fact that all the actions and decisions in your life are solely based on your thoughts produced from your brain. If your brain produces the thoughts of negativity and gossip all the time. Your choices will be the same.

Let’s say, if your thought is “time-pass” then you will only make a choice to spend time for unproductive actions like watching television for hours. If your thought is “invest time” then you will make a choice to read a transformational book that will lead you to a successful life.

So to be the best “choice-maker-machine”, you first need to aquire a very positive mental attitude.

How you can do that, again it is simple:

1. Wake up early in the morning 
    (if possible at 5:00 AM)

2. Drink a lot of water

3. Do Exercise 
    (for 10-20 mins)

4.   Meditate 
    (for 20 mins)

5.  Read a transformational book 
    (think on the ideas you read, if possible capture it in writing)

6. Listen to positive music 
    (lyrics have to be very positive, rock on!)

7.   Sing and dance 
   (dance like you have never danced before, 
    scream!! if your neighbores are okay with it :-) )

When you practice this for next 10 days, you will start making very impressive choices in your life and I am sure, all those choices will be right!

[P.S. Do like us @, its your choice by the way!]

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Do This One Thing, Your Life 'll Be Beautiful!

By Jerin Jacob (Author of Your Epic Year)

Let me start of by congratulating you for stopping here and reading something good about life. When I  appreciated you, you may have felt better, right ah? Yes, this time, I am writing about the very thing “Appreciation”.
Have you heard about unconditional appreciation?
Appreciation is the one thing everyone of us strive for. You may say, I don't like to be appreciated or I don't appreciate anyone even if they do wonderful deeds. Let me tell you that being appreciated is a natural human need. At-least non-consciously you love the idea of being appreciated. Most  psychologist may agree with this! (Those psychologists who have not only got certified but have a good and proven capabilities to analyse minds by the way)

Hence this is the case about you, then what about the people in your organization or in your family. Everyone love to hear some good words about themselves.

Millions of people go to their bed starving, because of their poverty. About the same number of people go to their bed weeping without being appreciated.

You may know the basic rule of the universe - 
“What you GIVE that you RECEIVE back abundantly”. 
So you might have got the point by now. Give negativity and receive back negativity abundantly. Give appreciation and receive appreciations abundantly. Yes, start appreciating and celebrate the little wins of the people around you. In between this appreciation-game, you should take care of some critical things to effectively appreciate and to get appreciated. Here it is!

#2 things you should care when you GIVE appreciation:
  1. Never appreciate only because Jerin Jacob has written this, that means, don't appreciate for the sake of appreciating. But do it for a genuine reason.

  2. When you do that, go very close to the person you would like to appreciate, then look at his/her eyes with an  encouraging smile, then congratulate the person. This is the best way to do that; if you have a better version then do let me know.
#1 thing you should care when you RECEIVE appreciation:
  1. When you receive appreciation, most of you may show the greatest acts of humbleness and may say “It's nothing man”. (For sure, if you have done the above act of being humble then he/she will never appreciate you again). Some-others haunt the person who stepped forward for this wonderful act of appreciation. (In that case, you are literally warning the other person never to appreciate you). Say “Thank you” to the one who appreciated you, simple as that.
And most importantly when you appreciate someone, do it unconditionally. That means do appreciate people for their good deeds and never expect anything back, not even a smile. You 'll receive great things now or later, not necessarily from the one you have appreciated but from the divine power. 

My dear awesome reader, I am thankful for your patience to read this. Hope it has benefited you in some-way or the other. Do share your feedback and comment in below. I will definitely appreciate that!

Happy appreciating...

P.S. Got a minute more, ah? Here's a very helpful downloadable-book to achieve your greatest dreams and goals:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Do NOT stop smoking

 Oh really Jerin, you may think why should I say that. Hey, I am not saying it; rather the sub-conscious mind speaks this, to those who think of stop smoking. Okay, now you may wonder what this sub-conscious mind is! What it has to do with smoking?

Wait, wait, I will explain it very precisely to you. Let me start-off by sharing the purpose of this writing. My intention is to find a solution for those who 'try' quit smoking but can’t make it. They even end up in being more ‘professional’ smokers. After reading this, may be you could help yourself or someone else to really find a better ‘profession’ other than smoking :)

To easily quit smoking or quit any bad habit, you need to understand that your mind is divided in to two. And also you need to understand its functionality.
  • Conscious mind and
  • Sub-conscious mind
Conscious mind is controlling your feelings and other day-to-day activities, like smiling crying and speaking. Even though this is the case, your conscious mind has a very limited authority on your life journey.

On the other hand Sub-conscious mind has larger control on you. Sub-conscious mind is 100's of milliseconds faster compared to Conscious mind. Sub-conscious is the inner-core of you. Your behavior and your character is a reflection of your Sub-conscious mind. You are reading this article with the help of your Conscious mind, but the data you have read is stored and is processed by your Sub-conscious mind.

You must be asking yourself, why I should know these facts to quit any bad habit! Hey please hang in there. I am about to share a simple example so that you could understand both sub-conscious and conscious functionality easily. That will reveal a secret which will help you to quit almost any bad habit.

The metaphor/example:

I request you to imagine a cab driver as the Sub-conscious mind and the cab passenger as the Conscious mind. The passenger travels from Cochin to Bangalore every day in the same cab. One day he decided to go to New Delhi, there he could get a new business deal by that he can fulfill all his dreams. Before the journey he told all of his friends that he is going to New Delhi. He wrote about it in his dairy too. Next day, he got into the cab which he usually travels to Bangalore. This time he wanted to go to New Delhi, but he didn’t tell anything to the cab driver. Surely the driver would drive him to Bangalore until the passenger informs him that he wanted to go to New Delhi. The passenger may be fully excited and dedicated to reach New Delhi, but do you think he will reach New Delhi? The passenger could reach there unless and until he speaks to the cab driver where he wanted to go.

It is the same way your brain also works, the cab driver is your sub-conscious mind and the passenger is your conscious mind. If your sub-conscious mind is not convinced in anything, you can’t change anything in your life. Unless and until you have a new belief system in your sub-conscious mind you can’t get rid of any bad habits.

So when anyone who wants to stop smoking has to convince their ‘driver’ the sub-conscious mind first. In above cited scenario it may be easy to ask the driver to drive where the passenger wants to go. It’s a matter of speaking out what he wants. But as far as quit smoking is concerned, to convince your Sub-conscious mind is hard! Because over the past #10 to #15 years the sub-conscious mind has been enjoying smoking. It must have become a vital part in your daily activity.

But it is possible to reprogram your Sub-conscious mind, and people have been doing it. To do just that, first of all you need to go back to your past and analyze how did you pick this bad habit? Then only you can do a ‘reverse-engineering’.

Interestingly, most of the hard-core smokers started smoking because of their peer groups. He was being said that, to be like a macho man, one has to smoke. He was being said that to impress gals one has to smoke ;) The poor boy went home and he watched movies, there he found most of the macho film heroes’ smoke. Then he would certainly think why can't me! Yes, that was the beginning of an epic smoker.

Literally the words of the peers and the images from the movies on smoking were sub-conscious programming.

As you may know that your thoughts and imaginations are stored in your brain in the forms of images. Each word is converted into images before storing it into your brain. So when your friend says all Macho men smoke, it creates a picture in your brain. Since Sub-conscious mind can only understand images which becomes a direct instructions to the ‘driver’ of your life – the Sub-conscious mind.

This is the way you acquire bad habits, then what happens when you try to stop them!

For easy understanding of the situation, moving forward I am considering you as a hard-core smoker. Hope its okay with you :)

Let’s say you have decided to ‘Stop smoking’. When you decide on something, it travels to the brain as instruction. There your brain splits the instruction into each word, in this case one word is ‘Stop’ and the other is ‘Smoking’. Brain cannot have a pictorial representation to ‘Stop’ (‘Quit’ or ‘Do not’) so Sub-conscious mind ignores those words. But ‘Smoking’ can be represented as an image in your Sub-conscious mind. So when conscious brain decides to “Stop Smoking”. The sub-conscious brain stores the images of “Smoking” only. The images could be your favorite film star playing with a cigarette!

That means, when you decide and dedicate yourself to “Stop smoking”, on a sub-conscious level more addiction happens. Because as per the images generated in your brain is literally programming your brain for more smoking.

Don't you believe it’s true? Okay, and then let me prove it to you…

Read the following sentence very carefully…
And do exactly what it says…  
By closing your eyes… read it!


Have you tried it?
But you have still seen a car's image in your mind, right?

Oh Jerin, yes I still see a car… yes you will, because your Sub-conscious cannot understand ‘Stop’ or ‘Don’t’. It understands only images which can be refereed to a situation or an object. This is the perfect proof of the whole story :)

So the solution is you need to work yourself in a way that your brain will store images of a new habit or an image of a completely charming personality who do not smoke. May be as of the the image below :)

In this point of time, let me tell you that, It is perfectly possible to stop a bad habit - in this case smoking - completely on a day and can stay as a non-smoker forever. But almost all experts on de-addiction say, never stop any bad habit suddenly it can affect your body system worst. 

I have jotted down some steps for you, use it:

Step 0: Don’t take it seriously, that you are going to stop smoking. Have fun with the whole process.

Step 1: Speak yourself “I have a new habit of …” (may be reading transformational books, eating chocolate, dancing etc.) Never speak to anybody that you stop smoking rather tell others and yourself that you are acquiring new good habits. Do just that.

Step 2: Whenever you have a temptation to smoke, do go out to the shop you regularly buys cigarette, but don’t buy one. Buy something else (not another alcoholic material:) ) - buy a Candy or a Bubble gum. That is ridiculous, hah? Do you really want change then just do it :)

Step 3: It takes #21 consecutive days to acquire or break a habit. So every time you successfully complete a day without smoking, count down, or mark it in your calender. 
Step 4: You still feel like buying Cigarette, then its fine to Buy #1 Cigarette a day, then gradually shift it to Buy #1 Cigarette a week, then to Buy #1 a month and them #0 Cigarette for the whole year and forever. Or you can consider #1 puff of Cigarette or whatever you feel like comfortable for a day so on and so forth.

Step 4.1: Even then you partially smoked, you can take it as a successful day and mark it in your calender.

Step 5: Then the hardest thing to practice, change the people you hang out with! That is tough, nah? Okay, if you are really serious about quit smoking, then you should choose the people you hang around. Who are your six closest friends? They were just strangers before #5 to #10 years ago, then why can’t you choose to create better friends now; it hurts but the pain would be much less than the regret you make in your death bed.

Step 5.1: No! You can’t leave your friends? Okay then you keep the friends but don’t roam around the place your people do social smoking. It is all testing phases, if you really want to get rid of this bad habit; you have to do all these things. Once you acquired new habits, when you feel okay to hang around the places, then do that. But you should be aware that programming for smoking can happen again, it’s your choice what to do then!

Step 6: Smile big :)

Still you say “Oh Jerin, you can’t understand my life, it is very frustrating and you don’t know my girl friend has left me, my job is irritating. No other choice for me, I have to smoke :)

It’s a common response and natural tendency to hesitate change; then ask yourself, really ask this man! 
Does smoking help me in anyway?
Does smoking bring closer to my dreams or life purpose?

Oh What? You don’t have a dream or a life purpose? Then let me help you to figure it out :) Think this way, your life is about to an end and you have only 24 Hours left in your life! Then what all things would you do in this 24 Hrs? What all things you would feel like, you would have done? If you can really answer this, then you will have found-out your life purpose :) Go ahead.

I leave you by sharing,

The Wikipedia facts which reflect the instant changes after stop smoking.

+ Within 20 minutes after quitting, blood pressure and heart rate decrease
+ Within 12 hours, carbon monoxide levels in the blood decrease to normal
+ Within 3 months, circulation and lung function improve
+ Within 9 months, there are decreases in cough and shortness of breath

Within 1 year your life transforms :)

P.S Hope this article has helped you some way or the other. Please comment your feed back below.

P.S.S If you have loved this article, you probably would love my short-eBook, download it now from (
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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Doing nothing!

When I mentioned “Doing nothing” that does mean what it means ;) I recommend and I believe this is an option in improving your quality of life. Having wrote that, many may oppose that Doing nothing is a waste of time and is unproductive and so on and so forth.

There is scientific proof that, 15-30 minutes of rest is a must for our body and mind after each 3:00 hrs of work. That doesn't mean you should spend this time to wander around with your unworthy thoughts, or set yourselves in-front of television. That spoils the worthiness of the call for doing nothing.

Dedicating yourselves in "Doing nothing" is like being in a very meditative state. To be more precise, keep yourselves fully quiet and be away from all distractions. This will lift your consciousness to a higher level. Its not taking a rest or a nap, it is laziness; but doing nothing in a very peaceful manner.

You may think that, being in meditation is an act, then what is the point in saying not “doing” anything. In my perspective being in a meditative state is complete stillness, if you really go deep into the meditation process you don't even feel the inhaling and exhaling. Then that stillness is no more a verb.

Do invest your time to be in this process of “Doing nothing” in regular intervals. Hope you don't over-do this and get yourselves fired from your profession ;). Its your choice to take intervals and use it effectively. It is sure that, this will improve your productivity and will rejuvenate your body and mind.

Anyone who questions its practicality, I would suggest you to try this -
Now read slowly,
Observe your inhale and exhale now,
Be very present,
Listen, really listen the sounds around you, even the minute sounds.
Feel them.
Can you feel the stillness?
Imagine you are alone in this infinite and vast universe!

Close you eyes and try this now...


If you have really tried this, then you have taken a baby step towards “Doing nothing” and getting something beneficial out of it;) I leave you with a quote “No great work has ever been produced except after a long interval of still and musing meditation”.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Stop worrying and start living!

Worry is the prayer to attract what we don't want. When we were born and was a child we weren't worrying about anything. We simply knew and loved to smile, sometimes we might have cried, it was not because of worry but to sell our need for milk or food.

But as we grown up, we started leaning the lessons of being worried. If you look back to your life you must be realizing whenever you were tensed and worried about something that must have become even worst. On the other hand when you were detached from the worrisome situations and you were simply enjoying other things, then suddenly and miraculously things became very positive and worth. That means being worried never deliver anything good to us, then why should we waste our precious time spending so. Life is easy and simple, that is how we should live life. When we feel love towards even to our challenges that will create a huge positive shift in our results.

Past is over, the people or things from the past cannot haunt you unless you allow it consciously. Same for the future, don't give too much importance to the future outcomes. Only you have control in the now, only you can make choices in the now neither in past nor in future. So be in the now, stop worrying and enjoy every bit of this miraculous life we have.

If you still feel that I can't manage that person or I can't stop worrying about this particular situation and so on, simple solution for this is, write it down or share your grief to someone you love. It will shift your consciousness and make you feel better, When you share do remember you are releasing your worries not adding to it, make the writing/sharing crisp and let go.

Go great!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What do you feel, when someone calls you stupid?

Many of us might have been discouraged by our parents, teachers or our peers whenever we follow our heart desires. They may say, you can't do it, you are not gonna make it, you are of no use, you don't have nothing inside your brain and such negative lines. But the fact is that we have far more capabilities than we have ever imagined to be. These so called well-wishers do advice on almost everything under the sky.
Those negative feedback on us must not be true, lets take a second and have some serious analysis on our own body system, we would realize that, we are unlimited beings and can achieve whatever we can think about.

This writing is to re-affirm ourselves that we are the most wonderful creations in the world. And to realize the following facts.

  1. You might be aware about this interesting scientific fact, that there is around 15 to 30 billion neurons in our brain which has greater processing capacity than the most advanced super computers available.

  2. As per the research on quantum physics, it is proven that through our thoughts and perceptions we can even create our own world around us. 
  3. Spiritually speaking we are born and are walking upon this planet as complete and perfect spirit. Yes, our body and mind do different things but ultimately our spirit is pure like a white glowing light always and every-time.

  4. When you are reading this, about 2.4 million red blood cells are being formed in your body at each second.
There is lot more such exciting truths and facts which could prove that we are the most wonderful creations in this world. To understand that we need to really invest our time to learn more about ourselves.

Even then these is the case that, we all are prefect and great. You may be thinking that, why still many of us struggle and at the same time many of us enjoy success! Why many of us live and die as poor! At the same time many of us enjoy abundance for generations!

Many of you say it is because of the inherent qualities or by nature, they have become what they are. Some others may say its because of the circumstances and environment or by nurture, they have become what they are. But the reality is neither the nurture or the nature, in fact it was their conscious choice to live a life of legends that made them what they are.

Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein all of them are great. But they were not called as great child when they were born. But it was their choice to become extra-ordinary in their profession, and personal life. They did strive for it. They realized the fact that thoughts can become things and they believed that whatever man can conceive that we can achieve in life. It is possible for each one of us too.

Now the question is, how is it possible for us?

Its possible when we understand the power of CHOICE. We always have a choice to do exceptional performance even at the toughest times. Its our choice to do whatever we wish to do. Its our choice to live for the sake of living or to do something extra.

As the quote says "Average people are dedicated to leisure. The best people are devoted to learning". So lets make a choice to dedicate ourselves to learn about ourselves. Now that when someone calls you stupid! Or tell you are of no good, what would you say? Don't fight them but pray for them, to realize the wonderful facts about our creation and the true potential within.

Lets rise into a greater level of existence whenever such negative critics try to pull us down. Lets move ahead!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Action or Result Which is Important?

Many of us know the fact that, simply visualizing about our dream car will not bring us a brand new car. Day dreaming about our future, will neither bring us anything into our life. But the interesting fact is, this may let us do some inspired actions towards achieving them.

Unfortunately many of us never even try to do the action part, they will continue day dreaming and never achieve any of their personal or professional goals. But some others do start the action part but they may be too much focused on the result or the benefits from their actions. These people become nervous and overwhelmed by giving too much importance to the future results. 

If we are completely focusing on the results like professional fame, rewards, appreciation and successful completion of projects etc. Then we will definitely end up in a big failure. Our job as a professional, is to completely dedicate ourselves to the actions in the now and not to worry about the result in the future. 

As per the Indian holy book, Bhagavat Gita "You have a right to perform your prescribed action, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results your activities, and never be associated to not doing your duty".

That means we are here to do the actions or the Karma, the fruits of our actions will be delivered unto us in many folds than we expected without our intervention. Yes, creative visualization on our personal and professional goals is the first step. The next step which is the most important step that is taking the inspired actions with an undivided attention.

The following actions exemplify the earlier quote jotted from Bhagavat Gita:

Do our best work without the attachment to the rewards. Dedicating ourselves in learning new technologies and skill-set without the attachment to the corporate hierarchy. Delivering an extraordinary presentation without the attachment for an appreciation. Helping co-beings without the attachment to their gratefulness in return.

Our privilege is to take the right actions. The fruit of our action or the Karma-phala is up-to the ultimate creative power, and it is his will to respond. If we are focusing on the results in the future we will never be able to do our best work in the present. So lets keep our trust in the ultimate creative power (or the God or Bhramman or the universe whatever you wish to call) and dedicate ourselves in our actions; then it is sure that the universe will deliver miraculous results for our efforts sooner or later.

To unleash our full potential and to do exceptional work:
1. Focus and dedicate on our actions in the Now
2. Be detached from the results in the Future

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Swami Vivekananda - His life and notable works in a nutshell

By Jerin Jacob (Author of Your Epic Year)

This time we have a legend from India who has envisioned a world of peace and global love. “Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu” - Let the world around us live in peace and brotherhood, was his compelling reason to live a life of legends. 

Swami Vivekananda a man who literally helped others to buy India's greatness and a man who made aware about the country's uniqueness to the world. He made us and the world realize the fact that the east has more powerful resources of knowledge which can really transform the entire world.

It was the time everyone was attracted to western concepts and even began to avoid or underestimate India's powerful heritage and culture; Swami Vivekananda stood up for change. 

Once he travelled from Colombo to Almora and spoke his wisest knowledge from Vedanta to the people from different streams of life. During this travel his speech were on to uplift the society, eradication of the caste virus, importance of learning science, industrialization of the country, removal of poverty, the end of the colonial rule. His speech has even influenced Ghandhiji and many other great leaders in India.

Now, when we here about culture, Vedanta and all those things we feel it is not our cup of tea or it is quite a waste of time to gather knowledge on them. But we need to understand that Vedanta and the preachings of Vivekananda can move a man to live a life of abundance, warmth and love. This space won't be obviously enough for to discuss about this great being and his works. I am just trying to enlighten your knowledge about Swami Vivekananda which may help you to learn more about this great man.

In 1893 he was invited to Parliament of the World's Religions at Chicago for an all religious meeting, as the sole representative for India and was represented for the largest religion of the country – Hinduism. 

Many of you might have heard about his famous speech delivered at Chicago by saluting the delegates with the words “My dear brothers and sisters”. He also quoted from Bhagavad Gita -

"As the different streams having their sources in different places all mingle their water in the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men take, through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee!" and "Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths that in the end lead to Me." 

This speech made Swami Vivekananda known across the globe. His ideas provided a sense of universality and they were thought provoking.

Swami Vivekananda was instrumental in uplifting India's pride in global arena. For that he travelled across the globe and preached the greatest knowledge ever conceived by man - the Vedanta. 

When he was novice in Vedanta, he was taught by his Guru Ramakrishna Paramahamsar.

As a guru, Ramakrishna taught him Advaita Vedanta  which says that all religions are true, and service to man was the most effective worship of God. With this knowledge and to implement it, Swami Vivekanada founded the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, a philanthropic and spiritual organization in 1897 AD.

I wonder, how many of us are really aware about his works and speeches he delivered unto us which could make us also to live a life of legends. I would love to share some of his great books:
Lets learn about him and his works, it is sure that his preachings are life transforming. I want to share one of his very popular poem:

“When I asked God for strength
He gave me difficult situations to face

When I asked God for Brain & Brown
He gave me puzzles in life to solve

When I asked God for happiness
He Showed me some unhappy people

When I asked God for wealth
He showed me opportunities to work hard

When I asked God for peace
He showed me how to help others


Hope this article has helped you. By the way do you know someone who really need this to read? If so, go ahead and share this article with that person. Sharing is caring.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Can you control your Anger?

Many of you might have read a lot more about anger management, and might have started practicing the process to control this unworthy emotion. But still many of us lose control, when we are challenged by irritating circumstances and nagging co-beings. Why this happens is, our social scripting is that whenever someone challenges you with anger, we should resist back in the same way if we are courageous. If we don't respond against it, people would say he is a coward and of no help. And many who respond with anger are proud to do so and most of the time men may say “we have to fight against odd as a real fighter”.

But the reality is, the people who get angry very often, are the most weakest. They are afraid of the situations and want to resist the undesirable situations some how. Outside they may be ferocious but inside they fumble and are fearful.

Its not the muscles or the physique rather the mental toughness makes a man brave. Jesus Christ, Buddha and Gandhi are the real examples for mental toughness and non-violence. Even though these great men never practiced any anger management techniques; Its Okay to practice different anger management techniques, Like - “Drinking water when anger comes”, “Counting down from 10 to 0 or 100 to 0 as per the intensity of the anger” and so on. In fact many of us still got angry even then we practiced all those things. It happens because, our sub-conscious still believes that anger is of pride or is natural.

So we need to understand, anger may give short term relief as of opium or alcohol, but ultimately it will make our life worst. Now the solution is we need to re-script our conscious and sub-conscious mind and create a new belief system that:
      1. Anger is for cowards and
      2. Anger only hurts everyone involved
      3. Anger disrupts relationships
      4. Anger even affects our immune system and health
      5. Anger cannot bring anything positive into our life were as love can
To change our belief system needs conscious efforts from our side. We need to constantly expose ourselves with people and situations that exemplifies love is the solution for anger. Shift your focus from agitating against anger to giving love to heal everything. The solution for anger is Love. Here the love is used in a broader sense – the Love is being caring, the Love is listening with empathy, the Love is showing respect and the Love is even a good smile. Lets practice it:)

 "Anger is always a sign of weakness. Just plainly and simply put the whole thing; perhaps the other person may find that you are right and may be thankful to you. Or perhaps the other person may have better reasons than you; then you will be thankful to the other person because he helps to raise your consciousness" -Osho.