Friday, October 15, 2010

Get out of our comfort zone!

Getting out of our comfort zone is one of the primary actions we need to take when we are following our dreams. Now what is this comfort zone is all about?

I personally feel comfort zone is nothing but laziness to get out of bed, the unwillingness to stop wasting time watching TV rather than reading something beneficial for life, or not taking the right action even though we know that it is necessary. Or simply we could say just like floating in the water of life and going with the flow and going wherever it is headed to. And reaching the place where you must not want to be.

So my intervention here is to help you to get out of just floating in the water of life and to let you go where you want to reach in life. I feel it is my responsibility to let you aware about what we will miss in life if we don’t get out of our comfort zone.

First of all I am going to start with the things we are going to miss if we don’t get out of our comfort zone. You know that anyone who has achieved anything in life has always done this – getting out of the comfort zone. If we don’t follow our dreams and stayed in the comfort zone we definitely regret in life but that moment may be too late. We might be missing a wonderful life we deserve, we might be missing each and every dream we are capable of achieving, we might be losing the respect of the society, we must be missing the love of our family, more over we will feel uncomfortable to live by staying in the comfort zone which we felt is very safe and secure.

Now that I would like to share the story of Mr. Nick Vuichij . By that you could realize the benefits of getting out of our comfort zone. You might have heard the inspirational biography of Mr. Nick Vuichij – the founder of “Life without Limbs foundation”. He was born in Australia for the kind hearted couple. When he was born he was born with no arms and no legs. What an awful situation, even then his parents stood for him and brought him up. His parents decided to make him feel everything is normal. He was enrolled in a school not in a special school but with those who has arms and legs. But unfortunately at the age of seven he became so disappointed and frustrated about his life and was to kill himself. But at some point of time he decided to win not to fail in life. He decided to get out of his comfort zone; he decided to be self reliant in his life and to follow all his dreams.

My dear friends you know what after 14 year s without arms and legs he is not just living a normal life but I would say he is living an extraordinary life, He can eat his food himself, he can comp himself not just that he can swim, he can kick balls all in an amazing style and with a charming smile. It’s not over he now owns numerous businesses and he is one of the best entrepreneur and as I already said about his foundation “Life without Limbs” by which he is travelling all across the globe and sharing his life experience.

So what is the point here, Mr. Nick Vuichij decided and get out of his comfort zone in his small age despite of his physical inabilities.

So what are you looking for, I would say if he could do this then anyone could achieve anything. But only thing which is holding back us from our dream is we are scripted for being in the comfort zone. It is not our fault not the fault of our parents but I think it must be with the way we think towards life situations. If we start thinking right thoughts then we automatically start moving out of the comfort zone and would be enthusiastically follow our dreams.

Now the question is how could we think right thoughts?
It’s very simple we just want to decide to think right and tell ourselves -
“From now onwards I would think only good thoughts which are in harmony with my dreams” each and every time when we feel bad.

So change your thoughts it would change your actions and habits and eventually the good thoughts will transform your life. Before I wind up I would love to summarize the whole thing. You must have seen the sign board - “Keep right” in high ways when it is under construction or in repair. We are in a process of repairing our road to success so always keep in the right side, always keep right thoughts and follow the rules of success and YOU WILL DEFINITELY REACH YOUR DESTINATION. YOU WILL DEFINITELY ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS.

Always passionate in helping you,
Thank you, Jerin Jacob.

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